ITAS Project Request

Use this service when you would to discuss ITAS support and involvement in a new or potential project/initiative.

ITAS generally supports the technology related portions of projects in administrative services, provide service in the following areas:

  • Technology Guidance
    Working with departments to determine the technology needs for their project, such as new hardware or software that may be required.
  • Vendor Consultations
    Participating in meetings with vendors to discuss and review the IT impact of new solutions, offerings, or upgrades.
  • IT Security Review
    Reviewing the security risks and implications of new projects, in order to spot any possible vulnerabilities before and after execution.
  • Project Management Support and Guidance
    Assisting groups and individuals with project planning, timelines, and milestones related to the IT portion of their projects.
  • Business Intelligence Support and Guidance
    Providing training resources and access to Business Intelligence (BI) tools and platforms available through administrative services and Virginia Tech, such as Microsoft SharePoint and MicroStrategy.
  • Deployment Support
    Support and scheduling IT hardware and software deployments for new projects, such as rolling out new software to ITAS managed computer or the installation of new computers.
Request Service


Service ID: 8403
Tue 5/5/15 10:55 AM
Thu 2/7/19 8:15 AM